Monday, December 8, 2008

Pecan Pie

This is the pie recipe I got from Kami Nielson for Gran and Grandpa's 60th anniversary party. I used it to make tarts. She said for tarts just put 2 or 3 pecans in each shell and then pour the mixture on top. They were easy and really good! We splattered white and dark chocolate over the tops of them to make them look extra pretty. Just melt the chocolate, dip in a fork and gently flick it back and forth over a countertop filled with the tarts.

130 ml (9T) butter
1 cup plus 2 T brown sugar - dark
1 cup corn syrup - dark
1 T vanilla
1/2 t. cinnamon (maybe even a little less)

Warm up over a stove just to melt butter (not get it hot). Let it cool so eggs don't cook when added. In a separate bowl beat 5 eggs slightly (not frothy). Slowly pour melted mixture into the eggs. Put nuts in pie shells (1 cup of pecans minimum) and pour mixture over. Bake at 350 degrees until nicely browned and set. The tarts bake fast. (Like I said...this recipe is from Kami who is a pastry chef...nothing is specific)

Four times the recipe is as follows:

2 and 1/4 cups of butter (1 pound plus 4 tablespoons)
5 cups brown sugar
4 cups
1/4 cup vanilla
2 tsp cinnamon (maybe even a little less)

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I'm slightly addicted to the tarts!! MmmMMmm...