Sunday, February 21, 2010

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Well, last week I was lucky enough to have Jarrett post a comment!  I don't think I've ever seen that happen.  He promised to post a recipe soon, so keep your eyes out.  I can't wait to try it out.  I won't spoil what it is (even though you can find out by reading the comments from the lasagna recipe), but I thought I'd do a recipe in the same category--bevarages.

As you can tell, the title of this post is fruity.  So, without further ado, I give you this week's recipe:

-1 gallon milk

Steps:  Either purchase from store, or milk a cow.  If you milk a cow make sure you pasteurize it somehow.  Either way, it's best to keep milk in the fridge.  I've heard milk doesn't do a body good if you don't.  The next step is to remove it from the fridge.  This can be tricky.  Some refrigerators have the handles on the left, and some have them on the right.  And on some models, you can even switch it up.  Consult your owner's manual, and if all else fails try google.  After removing the milk, you then need to unscrew the cap.  On store-bought gallons, you probably have to also break off the little plastic ring they have on at the top.  Then pour into a bowl of cereal, a glass, or whatever suits your fancy.  Maybe you have a cat and you are pouring it into a saucer.  Afterwards, put the cap back on and return the milk to the refrigerator.  Make sure and finish the gallon off by the expiration date or you risk being fined by the Dairy Association.  Last I checked it was a $217 fine so watch out.  

I won't even begin a discussion on 2%, 1%, skim milk, or homo.  Too many people have too many opinions about this. With all the real problems in the world, I'd like to focus on solving them before having to worry about which type of milk is best.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Home cookin

Since it was Valentines Day and we were feeling a bit lazy, and since Mom and Dad were out of town, we decided to have an easy dinner.  I'm including the recipe of the main dish.


-1 pan frozen lasagna (made by somebody else)

Cook at 350 degrees for 2 hours.

That's it!  Very yummy-even if there is some spinach in there.  And just for today, its like Who's Line Is It Anyway, so points don't matter.  Maybe next week I'll return to my more ambitious recipes.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chocolate chip cookies

Enough with all the healthy food.  I don't eat much of it-so I'm moving on to the good stuff.  Here it is-the classic Mullen Cowboy Cookies recipe.  Told from memory by me:

1 1/2 eggs
1 cup margarine.  Note-don't use butter, nor Becel.  Only margarine.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup black sugar (we don't want anybody to accuse me of being racist)
1 cup white sugar
1 gallon vanilla  (every recipe always asks for a tsp.  I think this will really give it flavor)

2 cups white flour (because any other kind is healthy)
1 tsp baking soda (or baking powder or any other white powdery stuff in your spice cabinet)
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper (whenever there is salt, there has to be pepper)
2 cups oatmeal (or you can leave this out if you want)
6 cups chocolate chip (this way every cookie has at least 16 chocolate chips in it)

Mix them all in a bosch.  If you don't have a bosch, lament around Gran and Auntie Beryl and you'll soon receive one as a gift.  Then put them on a cookie sheet in little balls and bake at 449.8 degrees Kelvin.  Note not Farenheit but Kelvin.  If you don't know what that is you can google it, or ask Alanna.  Bake for 1.90132588 × 10-5 years.  Enjoy!

Best of all, as we're not worrying about being healthy we don't even need to figure out how many points this is! 

P.S.  Why are these called Cowboy Cookies?
